
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What To Do When Procrastinating On A 20 Page Paper

Look up amazing derp faces from one's favorite TV shows, movies, or just funny faces.

Now back to working on my paper.

Monday, November 11, 2013

No longer a teenager

So a couple days ago was my 20th birthday. I still cannot believe it. I am 20 years old, my teen years are over.

So much has happened to me as a teenager. A lot of good and a lot of bad. It's when I lost my way, when i was in the dark, and when I found my path.

My teen years have helped to shape me into who I am today, and now I will continue on into this world as an adult. As a strong woman who knows where she needs to go and what she wants to do.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Traveling blog

So after my epic trip to Nawlins I decided that making a separate traveling blog would probably be a good idea. So here is the link to my new blog! This will probably also be the blog that I will be using for my adventures to London this next semester!

Speaking of which, I have an appointment with the international studies department here at LR. So much excitement!!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013


So as I type I am sitting in the lobby of the New Orleans Marriott! I have been here two days and my adventures have been numerous. I explored Bourbon Street yesterday and had lunch at this local joint called Olde N'awlins Cookery. I had some gumbo and jumbalaya and both were absolutely fabulous! I walked down the canal, all around the french quarter and I don't want to stop there.

The reason I am here is because of a media conference NOLA13. It has been an experience on its own. I have been taking sessions on advertising as well as journalism. Everything I have been in has been informative and very helpful. Our paper, The Rhynean, THAT YOU SHOULD CHECK OUT got a good critique and will be a part of a newspaper competition. It has been a long day and now I am sitting with three of my fellow communication majors with laptops out.

We are smelling the deliciousness of New Orleans and will probably be eating very soon. So I shall be signing off.

Hugs and kisses
Anna xoxo

Monday, October 21, 2013

Why Can't Money Grow on Trees?

So update since my last post! I got my passport. Spent $244 for that sucker to get expedited and also paid for overnight tracking fee. It was so expensive! I also got my bill for the abroad program. Over $17,000 for the semester. YIKES! Need to get some financial aid ASAP or I might not be going. I will be getting in touch with financial aid on campus today and am also paying $126.85 to go to New Orleans this week! There is a communication convention there that the communications club will be going to and we leave tomorrow night. I am so excited! Never been to that part of the country and I will be looking forward to seeing the different landscapes and way people live. It's one of the birthplaces of Jazz and I will be looking for street performers!

Well that's all I really have for today. Going to be busy getting all this together!

Have a great day bloggers!
Hugs and kisses
Anna xoxo

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


So this dream of studying in London may be squashed quickly. I spoke with my advisor and she put in my application for Westmister but told me that having a passport if a requirement, and I still don't have mine. I am going to go and get everything worked out today (hopefully) and pay extra to expedite it. I am extremely anxious and worried that I will not get accepted into the school. This will bust my bubble if it ends up that way. :(

Sunday, October 13, 2013


So a couple days ago I got some incredible news regarding past posts that I have been writing about. First of all I was on the train heading to PA so I could work on an ethnographic study for my communications class. We are studying an organization and how they run, and so I decided to do the Hershey Lodge since I worked there. So I was on the train heading up north when I got an email from the CIS abroad people. 

Now quick little story about a panic attack I had. A couple days ago I emailed them asking if they got my transcripts and they replied back with yes, but that they did not have my $200 deposit. Well the money was out of my account and it went to the company it was supposed to because I saw it on my bank statement. Well I begin to panic thinking I gave my money to a scam and I'm going to lose all my hard worked for money that I'm saving if I do end up going to London. I get a call from the head of finances and he said that they should have received it and that he is going to look in his files. I was placed on hold for an extreme amount of time and my call dropped. I waited for over an hour and my nerves are sky high. A little while later I got an email explaining that they did receive it and that it was sent to the wrong department. I breathed a sign of relief, but then worried that this would make it impossible to go over seas next semester.

Well on the train I checked my email and noticed I had an email from CIS abroad. I saw it was from a counselor  and figured it was them saying sorry about not getting accepted. Far from it! They were congratulating me on getting accepted into the program and gave me my advisors information! I about leapt out of my seat! I am going to LONDON!!! My advisor then contacted me a few minutes later and asked about my passport situation. Now that I have been accepted I am willing to pay the extra $60 to express my passport so I don't have to worry. My advisor said she is going to be getting in touch with Westminster and helping to set up my classes. I am so excited I can barely contain myself! I now know I have to buckle down and get all of my stuff situated ASAP before Christmas so there are no worries. 

I will be hearing from my advisor soon about classes, visas, important papers and all that stuff soon. I cannot believe that this is happening. It's so surreal! 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Good news!

I just got some fantastic news today! Even with the government shutdown I will still be able to apply for my passport! I did some research and called the local post office that does passports and they said they will still get my my passport! Huzah! No need for Washington to face the wrath of flying monkeys and german Daleks!
Passports pay for themselves so I don't have to worry about my passport being sent into the abyss of paperwork at homeland security. I also received an email from CIS abroad that they have everything and I need to give them my passport information. I explained to them that I do not yet have a passport but am in the process of getting one.

I do hope that things will turn out for the better and I will be able to study abroad next semester!

Until next time,
Hugs and kisses
Anna xoxo

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Going to visit home!

So it is now official. I am going to be heading back to Pennsylvania for my fall break next weekend. This wasn't my original plan, but a project I need to do for my class has changed my plans. For my organizational communications class I have a project that requires me to study and observe an organization. This is both internally and externally. Since I worked at the Hershey Lodge for over three months I thought that would be a great organization to do. Especially since Hershey is extremely dedicated to the legacy of Milton Hershey. This requires me to look at all online information, paper, billboards and commercials and observe what vibes they give off. I then have to do an internal analysis and speak to employees, managers and even the head of the organization. So I am now going to be in Hershey this next weekend. :)

This means that I am going to get to see all of my PA friends who I miss dearly! It's going to be a quick visit since I will be going by train. Going to be taking the late night train which means I will be boarding around 1:40 am Friday and getting back into Charlotte Tuesday at 2:20 am. I prefer these times actually. The trip seems to go much faster since I go straight to sleep.

So my wait now begins for an answer. It has been confirmed that the study abroad people received my transcripts and now I await an answer if I am accepted or not. I am extremely nervous because I do not know if my transcript being late will effect my being accepted or not. I really hope it isn't.

Also (I am not sure if this is nerves talking or my subconscious being an ass) I am beginning to think about all the negative possibilities about going to London for a semester. I have had people mention they may not want me to go, I've recently discovered that my best friend is pregnant and she has asked if I would be the god mother. I feel so honored and she is due in April. I will not be in the country when she gives birth. I am worried my relationship may take a turn for the worse. I would not be working so money will be an issue and I want to travel. There is just so much running through my mind it's driving me insane.

Well, that's all I really have right now. I am sorry to cut it short but my roommate is telling me she has never seen Sherlock Holmes and I am going to change that NOW.

Have a great day/evening and I will post soon!
Hugs and kisses
Anna xoxo

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The first bump in the road

So I am sure that almost everyone has heard about how the United States government has shutdown because they cannot agree on Obamacare. After complaining to friends about how childish the government is acting I suddenly realized, I still do not have a passport. With a government shut down everything federally funded is closed. All national parks and websites have been closed both in the US and around the world. Since one needs to go to a federal building to begin the process of getting a passport this will be slowing down my plans. The last time there was a government shut down in 1995 over 200,000 passports were put on hold and did not even get completed. I do not want to spend almost  $200 for a passport I am not going to get.

I printed out the paperwork I need to fill out and I did everything I can as of today. I know where I can go to hand in my paperwork and get my photo, I just do not know if I can set up an appointment yet. I do not want the government's hissy fit to stop me from possibly studying abroad. It takes 4-6 weeks to get the passport and who knows how long this shutdown is going to be...

I am prepared to go to Washington with my army of flying monkeys and german Daleks if needed.

Monday, September 30, 2013

I'm almost there

I have almost completed my application for study abroad next term. All I need to do is pick out some classes I'd be interested in and get my official transcripts in asap. I have been talking with my advisor here looking at class options and I will be admitting those tomorrow. I have also been in touch with my CIS advisor and she said if the transcript is a bit late it's okay. Just as long as it gets in this week.

Along with all of this craziness I have been trying to keep up on my homework, working at the admissions office, practicing music and preparing for midterms. So much madness! So I sit here with white wine and chocolate chips to calm my nerves. A very good combination I might add.

I am told I will know if I have been accepted within two weeks that my application is complete. I am nervous! Now that I have my mind set on this I really want to get accepted. Then again there is so much I can still do here, but LONDON. Can't pass that opportunity.

Well that's all I have for tonight. Got to study for a communications exam I have tomorrow. Yikes!

Anna xoxo

Thursday, September 26, 2013

When opportunity knocks, open the door.

When an opportunity just falls onto your lap what do you do? Do you throw it away, check it out, maybe take a dive and see if you can make it work? This was my thought process for the past two days.  I got a call from the CIS study abroad group and they said that I have the opportunity to go study next semester in either England or Italy! At first I was a bit skeptical about this, I wanted to have time to prepare and get my passport for the fall. I recently discovered that I would not be able to study abroad next fall because of required classes for my music minor I have to take at LR. So study in England or Italy? That's the first choice I had. The second one was should I even bother with the application process. I have had many friends try for study abroad and have failed to make it a possibility. Even Gretchen, my friend who's in India, had troubles getting to where she is now. Do I really want to risk failing at this?
I had to ask the opinion of people I knew. I put a status up on Facebook explaining my dilemma, I talked to my advisors on campus, I talked with my parents and I called the advising department of CIS. Almost immediately I had comments from Facebook friends in college, out of college and others all telling me to do it. Over ten comments on how this is an opportunity I cannot pass out on. I skyped with my mother and we discussed my options on if I did this. My mom said that I should at least fill out the application and if I am accepted she will help me in any way she can. My grandparents who travel frequently said I should, my boyfriend said if I didn't he would be angry at me, my roommates said go for it and finally I told myself why not? If I am not accepted any money I give them will be refunded and I can tell myself I at least tried. 
I went online and filled out the application. Once I got the payment issues situated (the website was not receiving my card information so I had to use a check) I was put into the system and told to wait until I got an acceptance email. I have been working on filling out other applications that are required and looking at scholarship opportunities. All of the ones I asked for require me to blog about my experiences (which I was going to do anyways if I got into the program) and keeping a diary. I am going to speak with financial aid and begin to discuss possible classes I would take at Westminster.
Wow. The chance to study at Westminster University is incredible. Not something that would happen every day. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity that I hope I can experience. I could take day excursions to Stonehenge, Oxford, The Globe Theatre, Big Ben, Liverpool, Windsor Castle and much more! I could even take weekend excursions to Paris or even Italy! How magnificent! We are allowed two weekends for no extra cost! If I wanted to travel more I could but I would have to pay for myself, which in all honesty I would not mind at all.
All I can do now is wait for an answer to see if I got accepted into the program. The anticipation is endless and I will be checking my emails every day.

If anyone is interested here is the link to the program that I have applied for. 

I hope you have a fantastic day!
Hugs and kisses
Anna xoxo

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Supporting a friend

So amazingly fantastic news from one of my friends. The one who is abroad in India, she just an internship at The Hindu! Congrats to her! I am so excited for her to begin in newspaper. It's such an incredible experience that I think she will love. Go read her article! Go Go GO!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Internship applying

So my hunting continues as I apply for several internships in NYC. I have applied at David Tutera's wedding business, Kleinfeld Bridal, the Knot, Bridal Reflections and The Bridal Garden. I will continue to apply to other places but I hope that I will hear something from any of these places.

The more I apply to places the more worried I become. I do not know if I will hear from any of them and I really wish that I get hired for the summer. I do not mind working at the Lodge again but I want to get my internship up and running. Especially if I am going to study abroad next fall.

There is so much that I am worrying about that I just shouldn't be. I just need to relax and let things take course.

Well that's all I have for today. Going to be cleaning and working on a project today.

Hugs and kisses
Anna xoxo

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Looking Ahead

So looking forward to the future. It's not something I do a lot but when I start it's hard for me to stop. Yesterday I was walking through the student lounge in Cromer Center (our cafeteria/postoffice/bookstore/anything else) and there were a few booths set up. One that caught my eye was the CIS abroad program. I immediately thought of one of my best friends Gretchen who is currently studying abroad in India.
(Here's her blog! Check it out!

I pondered to myself thinking would I want to go abroad? I have already gone over eight hours away to go to school, could I go halfway across the world? I have always wanted to travel. See the world and all its wonders. To study abroad for a semester would be a once in a lifetime thing for me. I have already begun to look for internships over the summer in New York City, why not start looking at countries I would be interested in.

I walked to the booth and a very nice man approached me and began to explain the program. He showed me the booklet that had all the information on the program and different options I have as a communications student. I could do a summer abroad, fall semester, J-term and a spring semester. I decided to myself if I did this I would go fall 2014. I got all sorts of information on the program, thanked the man and headed out with this information burning in my brain.

My next class I devoted my time to studying the front and back of the booklet. I highlighted my field of study and circled classes I would take. Highlighted important information like costs, what was offered, housing, meals and much more. I found scholarships that would help me significantly and checked what I would have to pay out of pocket.

Through my research I found that I would want to looks for countries that offered communications, media studies, journalism, public relations and music. I found eight countries that offer one or more of the studies I was looking for.

First is Australia. I have the opportunity to go to Bendigo, the Gold Coast, Melbourne, Newcastle or Sydney. Second is Westminster in London. Third is Aix en Provence in France. Fourth is Hawaii. Fifth Limerick, Ireland. Sixth Florence, Italy, seventh Edinburg, Scotland and eighth is Thailand.

This is a big list and most of the locations are in Europe. Then there's Asia, Australia and Hawaii. I am not to sure I would want to go to Hawaii. It is still the U.S. I want to explore foreign countries, see the sights, learn from others and begin my travels. The countries that really spoke out to me were Westminster, Limerick, Florence and Thailand. Australia looks interesting as well but there are some cities and areas that do not offer all studies at one. They are scattered all over.

The places that offer everything I am looking for are Westminster and Florence. Places that offer at least four of what I am looking for are Thailand, Edinburg, Limerick and Hawaii.

There is so much that I would need to get set up as well. I would have to pay for airfare, meals, spending money, visa and passport and also books and supplies. I have begun crunching numbers on flights to the countries I am looking at. My wallet has begun to shrivel just looking at the numbers. Although if this is something I really want to do I will pay the outrageous plane tickets to get there and I am sure I will not regret it.

It's a big step for looking at my future and I am getting really excited! I will try to keep updates coming. I enjoy writing so I am glad I have a place to just write.

Hugs and kisses
Anna xoxo

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Intense update!

Man it's been a while since my last post. Reason being is i've been so busy with CLASSES!! Yup, I'm back in school! I've been missing LR and am happy to be back with all of my friends here. I am living in an on campus apartment with three amazing women. We have the place decorated to perfection with posters, lights, chairs, rugs and a multitude of blankets. I've been living here for a month now and am truly enjoying it. The bedrooms are smaller than where I was last year but the living room, kitchen and our own bathroom make up for it.
We have two guppies that we have named Dimitri and Eugene. They are very amusing fish and like to stick together.

So updates. I have been accepted into the Upsilon Chi Communications Honor Society, I have been invited to take honors courses next semester, I have a work study on campus that's going well, taking voice lessons again, I made it into the College Singers which is a handpicked group of singers from A Cappella choir, I've been pushing to keep up with my homework, and I am saving up money to go to New Orleans with the Communication Club in October! How exciting is that? Very!

One fun update is I have begun to look for internships! I would love to go to NYC for my internship and get into weddings. I actually have begun to email some companies and businesses asking for internship information for next summer. I am going to email David Tutera, Kleinfelds Bridal and am looking for more options. I am really hoping I can get an internship with David Tutera. That would be an incredible experience!

Well that's pretty much all I have for today. I will try to keep this more updated.

Hugs and kisses
xoxo Anna

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Restless and Wild

Morning bloggers!

I hope y'all are doing well. It's now August which means school is starting soon! In less than two weeks I will be moved into my on campus apartment with three of my friends and in class. I can't believe it's so close. Where did summer go??? Oh yeahhh I was working all summer. XD

I only have one more week of working and one more full paycheck. I am getting half a paycheck as well but I'm worried. I don't have a work study set up yet and that makes me nervous. I need some form of income while I am at school. I've been emailing one of the advisors looking into a work study that would really help me with PR preparation. I also have been preparing for buying my books and other accessories for school. I am in a much heated debate with myself about if I want to purchase an iPad or not. I saw a lot of students with them last semester and quite a few of my friends. They would use them to take notes. I would take my laptop with me and along with my books I now have a hole beginning in my bookbag. So I thought having something smaller and lighter would be easier. I would use the iPad in class and send everything to my laptop to use in my room. I think it's a good idea but the cost is making me hesitate. It's $428 for the iPad, a gift card and insurance. The gift card comes with as an education discount and I want insurance on the iPad if I get it. I have enough money and I could easily afford it. My only problem is I don't wanna spend all my money now and have none when I go back to school. I've been sleeping on it but I will decide before school if I want to do this.

So speaking of school I have become restless. I wanna go back! I want to get back into the swing of school and seeing my friends. I love working but i'm getting cabin fever from Hershey! I want to get out of PA and go back to NC. I want to start this semester and get back into late night papa johns, theta xi parties, organ practice, a cappella choir and so much more!

One and a half more weeks!

Hugs and kisses
Anna xoxo

Monday, July 8, 2013

Dental Care

Gooooooooood afternoon everyone!! I hope your day is going well.

So this past week has been pretty rough. My uncle passed away and I went to his viewing and funeral. It was hard but I got to hold his hand and say goodbye and how much I loved him. I got closure so that's good. I got to meet family I haven't seen in a while which is always a good thing. So much has changed since last I saw them.

So two days ago I was driving to work and had a bit of an accident. I was pulling into a parking space and happened to hit the curb a bit too hard. My airbags went off and I got stuck on the curb. I was able to back my car up but the airbags attacked my arms. The car is a 1997 Saturn Station wagon and so it's kinda old. The airbags were probably just ready to go. So there is no internal damage to the car just the front bumper is lose. I suffered some damage though. My right wrist got sprained, I have burns on my left wrist and right arm, I have bruising on my right arm and a huge gash across my forearm.

This is the result. It looks like I got mauled by a bear!

So I just got back from the dentist. Got a good review and got fluoride on my teeth. My teeth feel so weird now! All gooey and sticky. Blehhh!!

That's all I have for today. Going to have a gym date with one of my best friends. Gotta get into shape! 

Thanks for reading and have a fantastic day! 

Hugs and Kisses
Anna xoxo

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Cars, cars, cars!

Good evening/afternoon/morning whatever it is for you!

So in recent news I have begun to car shop! I've been looking into buying a car but I am actually now being serious and looking at loans and insurance prices on certain makes and models. So far I have been interested in a lime green convertible Beetle, a red Mini Cooper, a green Hyundai Accent GL, a beige Ford Taurus and green Ford Focus. All of them are used and under $10,000 but some are pricier than others.

I am currently looking further into the Taurus and Focus. They are the cheapest and have lower miles on them. Also insurance is cheaper for them. I am going to test drive them hopefully sometime this weekend or next week.

It's been stressful with this big decision purchase. Seeing all the big numbers and walking around in the heat of the day for two days straight wore me out.

I gotta work tomorrow morning at 11 so I am heading to bed. Good night bloggers!


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Strawberries and coffee

Yes! That is what I had for breakfast this morning and it was delicious!

Good morning bloggers! So I've been super busy with work but I have been loving every second of it! There's always something new that happens when you work concierge desk. I've had sheets thrown onto the desk in front of me, I've been told I am a terrible human being, I've been asked out for cocktails after work by a really creepy old guest and I've had Canadian candy thrown at me. Such an interesting job!

Another thing about working at Hershey you get to chill with the candy characters!

So the last three days I had off and I took that time to start preparing for getting my passport, cleaning my room and (my most recent excitement). I GOT A HANDGUN!!!! I am now the proud owner of a 9mm Ruger handgun! 

I'm gonna start practicing with it soon. I'm so excited!!!

Well in other news I am working tonight. Starting at 5 but that's not too bad. June is usually a slow month. July and August are the crazy ones. Well it doesn't matter cause this Friday is PAYDAY!! Gonna be getting moolah! 

Well that's all I have for today. I'm gonna go make me a turkey and avocado sandwich now. Yummmmmmms! 

Have a great day bloggers! 

Hugs and kisses
Anna xoxo

Saturday, May 25, 2013

New job

So recently I got a job at the Hershey Lodge as a seasonal concierge. I have part time benefits but full time hours. I am gonna be getting overtime and I am paid a good amount of money so I'm not complaining too much. Just about how my feet hurt. I have to stand at a desk for 8.5 hours five days a week.

So for the past three days I have been working mornings. Three days ago a woman who was obviously from Jersey comes to the desk asking some questions. This was only my second day of work so I was still learning a lot. She asked me something I didn't know and so I asked my trainer. She looks at me and asks if I am new. I said yes I was, just started. She replies with, "So you don't know anything?" I said I was still learning everything but I'd help her with what I knew. She says no and walks away.  Yesterday she and her husband came to the desk and asked a coworker who has been there since 2007 some questions. Her husband asks me something I didn't know and the woman tells him, "Oh they don't know anything cause they are new." My coworker since 2007 was there. WTF???
Anyways today she comes back to my desk and by today I know a lot more, I have my own computer log in, I've worked with customers, answered phone calls, questions, etc. She asks me something I knew, realizes it's me and says, "Oh you're new." She then turns to the coworker standing next to me and ignores me like I never existed. I hope she checks out tomorrow....

I can tell this job is going to be fun, entertaining and quite interesting. There will be some tough guests but I will do my best with what I know. I really like all the girls I'm working with. They are very nice, help me when I need it, answer questions I don't know and make sure I am learning things properly. :)

Anyways I am watching Monty Python and going to be going to bed. I've worked over 30 hours this week and I will be starting my 40 hour week schedule tomorrow. Actually I will probably be working over 40 hours. I have been told overtime is given often in the concierge area because we are needed from 6AM to 11PM.

So I'm going to be turning in. Goodnight bloggers!

Hugs and kisses
Anna xoxo

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hip/Back results

I just realized reading my past posts that I never mentioned the results of my MRI. So everyone knows I have hip displacia and lumbar spondylosis. In edition to that my MRI results showed that I have a buldging disk in my lower back. Specifically my S1 L5. So this will give me extreme back pain and hip pain throughout my life. Its extremely bad during my monthly kills from mother nature.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Man it has been a while since I've posted anything! I was mad busy with finals, moving out of my dorm, going back home and starting my summer job. Well a quick catchup for today. I need to leave for work in an hour and I still havent started my hair or makeup! Eeeeekk!!

Anyway, freshman year is over. I passed all my classes with As and Bs and I am so happy!! I really wanted to work harder but I am happy with my results. I expect too much of myself sometimes. My mom came and helped me move out of my dorm. It took about an hour and a half just to get all my stuff loaded into the car. It was a lot of work and we were rushing to beat the oncoming storm that was looming ahead of us. The drive home was not bad. I got to enjoy Cookout for my lunch that day. For the people who don't know, Cookout is a fast food restaurant that started in North Carolina. They make hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken sandwiches and tenders, subs, fries, onion rings and have a huge selection of different milkshakes. I love this place cause you get a whole bunch of good food for $4.25. They are slowly beginning to migrate and are in Virginia. We found this Cookout in Harrisnburg and I was sooooooo excited! I got a chicken tender tray with fries and a bacon wrap. A bacon wrap is basically bacon, lettuce, cheese and ranch in a tortilla. SOOOOO GOOD!!!

I got home and then had to find room for all my stuff. I am still moving things and putting stuff away. I own too much stuff so I'm going to be visiting Salvation Army quite a bit to donate. Plus the memorial day yard sales that will be happening this weekend.

My new job is at the Hershey Lodge and I am a seasonal concierge. I work the concierge desk and answer phone calls, make reservations for van services around town and restaurant reservations at all the restaurants in the area. I work with customers and answer their questions, give directions and much more. My first day was Monday and that was a slow day. Today the park opens and families will be arriving and buying tickets. I've been told that the summer gets crazy and that I will be working overtime. That is okay though because I get paid $9 an hour and I need more money.

As for summer classes I am having trouble. I originally wanted to take two summer classes at a local community college HACC. For some reason I am having difficulties registering for classes and it has really been pissing me off. I'm going in tomorrow to see what is still wrong and if they can't fix it, well they aren't getting my money.

That's my update. I hope to start blogging some more over the summer. I'm thinking of changing the look of this blog and getting into the flow of writing more. Get my writing chops strong like my writing professor always said.

That is all. I hope you have a fantastic day!

Love and kisses

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Rain, rain go away!

So recently the Northeast has been getting a lot of snow, this includes PA where my family is. Here in Hickory, NC we have been getting the tail end of it and that means rain. Lots and lots of rain. IT WON'T STOP!!! I really don't mind rain, but when you have to walk from one end of campus to another when it's pouring then you hate it. I do have a pair of rain boots but they are my only pair. I love them, they are so cute!! Only problem is I don't want to have to wear them every day.

With all this rain there have been a few sunny days. Yesterday it got up to 60 and I loved it! I was walking around with no coat on and loving the warmth from the sun. Now it's back in the 40s and foggy/rainy. :(

Today is also the day I go to my checkup at the orthopedic. I'll hear my MRI results and discuss what steps I can take now to help my pain.

Today is ALSO Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. I convinced one of my friends here to give up sweet tea and she's already having problems. I decided to give up sweets. Anything like candy, ice cream, cookies, that kind of stuff.

So I hope everyone has a wonderful day and we will talk soon!

Hugs and kisses
Anna xoxo

Monday, February 11, 2013

Waiting for results

So I got an MRI on saturday to see what is the other half of my back/hip problems are. I won't hear anything until Wednesday so I'm freaking out! I really hope it's nothing serious...

Sunday, February 3, 2013

When life knocks you down, pick yourself and keep walking

So recently I've been having a few problems with life. I tried rushing for Greek Life and was denied by every sorority on campus, but the biggest problem is money. It's always money. I've never had an issue with money, i'm pretty good at keeping it out of negative. I am poor but I don't mind. What my problem is now is that I am -$84 in my account right now. I had to ask my mom for money because I have only a work study. I don't have a real job or any kind of income. This freaks me out.

I know I shouldn't be complaining because there are a lot of people out there that have it worse than me. I just am not used to this. I'm the kind of person that does not like asking for help. So during this I have been trying to get through this by myself, but it's not working. I haven't gotten any of my refunds back that I was supposed to get. One from Amazon for a book I returned, another from CVS because I was kicked off my insurance. I now realized that my orthopedic appointment I didn't have my insurance and so I have to pay it off without any insurance. I'm in a deep hole and was too stubborn to ask for help.

I had to suck it up and ask my mom for money. I hated doing it, but I did. Now I have about $230 waiting in my account, btu i'm loosing $80 for my overdraft fees and negative balance. I'm now trying to get more money. I cannot have a job job because I do not have a car and cannot leave campus. So I am now trying to get money through other means. One through blogger.

Now this is where I ask for your help. You reading my blog right now. I only need you to do one thing. You see all the advertisements all over my blog? Just click on them, any one that looks interesting to you. I have an account signed up that I can get money when viewers click on any advertisements on my page. The more viewers and clicks I get the more money I could possibly get.

I realize I do need to ask for help, and I would greatly appreciate yours. It doesn't matter if you are in the United States or Germany or even Africa. I would love your help on this.

Thank you so much! Have a wonderful day!

Hugs and kisses
Anna xoxo

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Life of a chef girlfriend

So recently I have been spending time at Ben's town home so I can see him as much as I can before he leaves for Germany. Ben works over the weekend Wednesday to Saturday from 2-9 and that leaves me alone at the town home a lot. One thing I have been doing a lot more is cooking. Since I am alone I need to make myself food.
I've cooked myself dinner three times so far and tonight I am going to make myself beef and broccoli stir fry with brown rice. I'm actually pretty excited to cook myself some food :)

Italian Sausage and bowties I made first time I was at the town home :P

Best thing I've made yet. SALMON!!!! Nom nom <3

Beef and broccoli stir fry with brown rice I made tonight XD

So that's all I have to say today. Yumm food!!

Hugs and kisses
Anna xoxo

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Getting old too fast

So today I had an orthopedic appointment to see what was wrong with my hip. Recently I have been having severe hip pain that had my crying in class once. I decided to get some xrays to see what was wrong and they did find something. Apparently I have Hip Dysplacia and Lumbar Spondylosis. My spine is in a straight line, it doesn't curve like a normal spine. My hip is a weird one, where the ball is supposed to meet the hip socket is out of place. The normal hip has the leg ball in the socket at a 120 degree angle, but mine is going in at a 160 degree. Almost completely straight up.

My hip is supposed to look like this

Instead the ball is half out of the hip joint.

What this means is that my hip will degenerate faster. I'll have arthritis within a few years, I'll have pain, and I'll probably need a hip replacement by the time I am 40.

I am taking physical therapy now to try and help this. If it doesn't do anything I will need to keep up physical therapy. If it gets worse I will need to start cortisone shots. What fun does this sound like???

In a way I am grateful for knowing. This means that there really is something wrong and that we can try to make the pain stop. It's not just in my head. So now I have to be extremely careful with what I do and hopefully the pain will stop.

That's all I have for today, have a great day everyone!!!

Hugs and kisses
Anna xoxo

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Train rides

So here I sit, back at Ben's town home. I came back to Charlotte a few days early because I had to take a train to get here. My parents could not bring me back because of their schedules and because of money. The trip was about 12 hours and was a bit uncomfortable but I managed. I sat next to a really sweet old woman and she got off about four hours before me, she let me take the window seat and managed to get a few naps in.

I watched a few Underworld movies so I could return them to Ben, I played games on my phone, snoozed, talked to some people, watched scenery, all those things to try and pass the time.

I prefer the plane for that trip but I would get on a train again. It was nice, the only thing I didn't like was the food prices. I got a salad and water for lunch and had to pay $10.25 for that! So I didn't eat dinner there, Ben was able to get me some food and had it for me when he picked me up at the station. :)

School starts up again in two days and I can't believe it. I just hope this semester is better than the last one. I want to work better, work on my time management, get schoolwork done faster, find a job, and rush hoping to get into one of the sororities on campus.

So that's all I have for today. Ben's roommate Alex is cooking something and it smells sooooooooooo good!! The one thing I like about dating a chef, I get lots of yummy food! :D

Love and kisses
Anna xoxo

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year resolutions

The title says it all, this is going to be a new year for me and I want to make it better than last year. I have many things I want to accomplish this year.

  1. Keep grades As and Bs
  2. Make the Dean's List this semester
  3. Start being healthier with food and getting active
  4. Want to loose excess fat and get more energy
  5. Don't let stress take over my life
  6. Start yoga to calm stress
  7. Get a better job in Hershey, maybe an internship over the summer
  8. Budget money better
  9. Save money, open a savings account
  10. Stay in touch with Ben while he's in Germany
  11. Keep positive outlooks in life
  12. Learn to love myself better
  13. Live everyday to the fullest
  14. Get into LLC for fall semester
  15. Don't let people get to me where I cannot concentrate on school work
That's what I have today and I hope I can do everything and make this year the best I can. :)

Hugs and kisses 
Anna xxo